"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter..." Isaiah 64:8

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Working with kids definitely affects the way I look at God. Though they don’t do it intentionally, children teach us about God as a Father, about discipline, and about love. They exemplify the purest form of faith and trust. They reveal our sin nature and our helplessness. Although this isn’t a direct account of something from my time at Fundacion Cor, it is inspired by my recent work with children. Not to mention the fact that today is Father’s Day.

“Daddy?” Elliot whimpers as he searches for his father amongst the crowd. Where is he? I need him! Panic rises in his chest with every moment of separation. Glossy pools gather in his caramelly, brown eyes. He knows his father is near. He can even hear his deep voice among the countless others in the crowd. But he cannot see him. He cannot feel him.

“Dad?!?” I want you. I need you. I miss you. Please come back! Where did you go? Elliot looks around. Glancing past numerous black slacks, flowery dresses, jeans, and shiny heels, he spies gray pants that look familiar; his hopeless wandering becomes an all-out sprint. As he wraps his arms around the tall legs, he looks up. The unfamiliar face studying him curiously causes an instant cascade of tears. You’re not my daddy!! He turns to run. There was no satisfaction in that embrace. He needs his father, and he needs him now.

Elliot’s whimpering turns to choked sobs as he becomes more and more disoriented. Where is my dad? Doesn’t he know that I need him right now? Doesn’t he love me? With the tears now rolling, he cries out again, “Daddy?!” His eyes are now so full of tears that his vision is blurry; he cannot even see to search anymore. He sits on the floor and cries.

Suddenly, strong hands lift him up into his father’s warm embrace. Elliot wraps his arms around the familiar neck and weeps.  Finally.  I found you!

The father looks at his son and sighs.  No, my son.  I found YOU.

Thank you, Abba. For being near, even when I can’t see you. For loving me, even when I cling to lesser pleasures that never satisfy. For picking me up when I am too weak to stand. And most of all, for finding me when I wander off. Every. Single. Time.

And of course, thank you Papá for trying your best to love me this way too.  You've done a pretty great job so far.  Happy Father's Day! 


writingdianet said...

Beautiful post, Josy:)


Beautifully written, you are amazing.
And we serve an amazing God.
Blessings to you and the chillden/people you serve.